Ok legal beagles share your knowledge of model and property releases, intellectual property, copyright, tax issues, and new imaging laws. Although we don’t guarantee the legal information provided here with but this should be the first place you should come to for legal insight from your fellow JA Sulfur members.
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Has one of your photos just been refused by the JA Sulfur editing team? Would you like to know why? Would you like to get feedback for one of your photos from your peers? Critique, learn, and Share your experiences on the Academy Forum! (To post a JA Sulfur image on the forum, just type your photo id in the post image section)
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Welcome home designers. If design runs in your veins and the computer is your canvas then this is your new home. Here you can share, teach, and discuss design ideas, current graphic art trends, Photoshop and other software.
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Ok photo geeks this is your place. Talk about your best photography tips and tricks, debate over which is better film or digital, discuss the latest digital camera and suggest workflow ideas. We welcome the young and old to share your thoughts, ask questions, and discuss photography techniques.
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